Studio Boise loves to design for Boise's historic neighborhoods. Remodels and additions require an extra level of problem solving to find a home design solution that complies with the additional architectural restrictions. Idaho historic home remodels and additions also need an extra level of sensitivity to connect to the older construction methods and smaller proportions while accommodating modern living patterns. We love this challenge.
When the very special opportunity to design a new home in a Boise historic district, but there are extra steps involved. Read on to find out what the historic process is like in Boise, Idaho.
We start with design just like any other project. We ask you questions about how you live, frequent visitors, life patterns, outdoor spaces, storage and hobby spaces, equipment, etc. and develop a master plan for your lot.
Next we flush out the design of all structures on the site. We model everything in 3D so you can experience your home and make changes before building begins. We make sure you love your new home design before we submit anything for approvals.
We then prepare the documents and presentations needed to propose your new home design to the Boise Historic Commission. For a new home design in an historic district or for significant changes to an existing historic home, you need to fill out applications, submit drawings, and eventually attend a public hearing to defend the design of your home. Your house design may also require planning and zoning approvals which are reviewed at this time. The most common need for planning and zoning approval comes from designing accessory dwelling units, in law suites or rentable, detached spaces. We are well versed in the process, and we understand the challenges that can arise. We can represent you in all the meetings and fill out all applications on your behalf.
Finally, with historic approval for your new Boise home, we coordinate with a licensed structural engineer and produce the construction documents needed to acquire building permits. Again we can submit on your behalf and answer all of the city's questions to keep this a smooth and easy process.
We recommend builders that have decades of experience working in Boise's historic districts, and continue to support you throughout the building process all the way down to the finishes installed in your home.